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Friday, June 12, 2009

Weekend Scrapbook Retreat 6/5-6/7

Ok, I'm gonna give this blogging thing a try. Maybe my goal for right now will be to update it once a week at a minimum. We'll see how it goes.

I've got some great material to start off with. Kelli and I went on a weekend scrapbook retreat in Temple, TX. It's called Rockin' Reality Scrapbooking Retreats and we had so much fun. This is my 3rd one since October. The retreats are 3 days, 2 nights and nothing but scrapbooking for like 48 hours straight. We usually end up sleeping a total of about 8 hours the entire weekend...but it's so worth it.

I made 19 pages during the weekend, which is fewer than usual for me, but I spent a little more time on them than I usually do. I've learned some new techniques too, and those took time as well. Anyway, here are a few of the pages that I did.

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