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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Another School Year is in the Books!

Alice Cooper's "School's Out for Summer" keeps going through my head. Well, that line of the song does anyway because I don't know all the lyrics!! LOL.

The boys had a great year of school. Other than 2 Ns in the first semester, Ryan had all Ss this year (S means Satisfactory, and it's the highest "grade" they can get in Kindergarten). JD had all As throughout the year. They enjoyed the school year, stayed out of trouble, and even though they are excited about summer, they are going to miss their teachers and friends. They had a great year, and I couldn't be more proud of my boys.

JD received the A-Honor Roll Award, and received a medal for placing 3rd in his class for the Accelerated Reader program. He accumulated the 3rd most points of all his classmates.

Here's Ryan, dressed in cap and gown, shaking the Mr. B's (the Principal) hand as he crossed the stage.

JD and his 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Garcia.

Ryan and his Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Smith.

Now we are off to start our summer. Even though I have to go back to work, it's only part time and from home. So the boys will have to wait just a few hours each day, then I'm off work and we can take time to enjoy the afternoon!