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Friday, May 2, 2014

Field Trips 2014

The PTO organization at the boys' school sponsored field trips this year. It was such a blessing for the boys to get the chance to do this, and it was awesome because I got the chance to go too!!!

On April 24th, JD and I went with the rest of 2nd grade to Enchanted Springs Ranch out in Boerne. It's an old west town setting where western movies have even been filmed. The kids got to see a longhorn up-close and personal, buffalos, Native American tee-pees, and a private show by Pistol Packin' Paula. She put on quite a show!

The class enjoyed Paula's show - she did a gun-twirling act, and a bullwhip show. 
The kids really got into it (and the parents did too).

The longhorn is real!

Tee-pee time!

On May 1st, Ryan and the rest of the kindergarten classes had their field trip and we went to Devine Acres Farm, which was, of course, in Devine. We had so much fun together. We got to take a hayride through their Christmas Tree Farm; learn about chickens and their eggs (we still don't know which came first); feed goats, ducks and geese; plant seeds to grow a pumpkin; and do a gemstone mining activity. I really liked that place and plan to go back with the kids later this summer.

Mom and Ryan on the hayride.

Feeding the goats, ducks and geese. 
He didn't like feeding the ducks and geese because they pecked at his hands.

Getting ready to plant a seed.

And here are our tired kiddos on the bus, getting ready to head back to school. Kenna Solis (Ryan's little "girlfriend"), Ryan, and his best little friend William Spaeth. The boys were very proud of the wooden snakes they bought in the gift shop.

The parents and teachers knew they were exhausted and were making bets about whether or not they'd fall asleep on the ride back to school. We were right. Sleepy little kindergarteners. So cute!!!! This picture is priceless and I can't wait to show them how they slept on each other's shoulders when they're all grown up.