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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Days of Caring

This is really old, but I wanted to include it. In October, Kelli and I participated in Days of Caring through our work. We spent the day at Avance, which is a center that provides parenting education to the community. We were there with about 20 other volunteers to decorate Christmas stockings. But instead of doing that, Kelli and I were enlisted to make some signs to welcome parents to their upcoming events for Halloween and Thanksgiving. We had a really good time being creative and getting messy.

Let's name him CHOPPER

Well, we got a new puppy. Daddy was heading home a couple weeks before Christmas when he ran into Santa Claus. Santa had an early Christmas present for the boys...an 8-week-old Blue Lacey puppy. Daddy brought him home, zipped up in his coat and when he walked in the door, he told the story about how he ran into Santa. Santa said that he was out test driving the sleigh to get ready for Christmas, and decided to bring JD and Ryan a puppy for being good boys all year. Hmmm....wonder what days Santa had been watching?! LOL.

Anyway, JD couldn't wait for Daddy to unzip his jacket and when he did, he squealed with excitement..."a new puppy!" We played with the puppy for awhile before putting him in a make-shift house in the garage for the night. The boys really loved that puppy as soon as they saw him.

JD went through a couple of ideas for names, until he finally decided on Chopper. So that's what we call him. He really is a cute little guy.