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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Circus

This weekend we went to the circus...yes, a different circus than the one that's at my house everyday. We went to the Shriner Circus. Chester, Bud's dad (aka: Bada), is a Shriner so he gets us tickets every year. We sat on the 2nd row from the floor...great seats. Last year we actually sat in the front row and Bud and Beau became part of the circus. Yep, they were selected by one of the clowns to participate in his act. They had to try to throw the clown's hat across the arena to make it land on his head. The clown really teased Beau about not having enough muscle to make it all the way across. It was really funny! Bud always wanted to join the circus, so I guess he got his 5 minutes of circus fame!

So this year was JD's 3rd circus and Ryan's 1st one. They both really seemed to enjoy it, but I'm not sure what Ryan liked more -- the circus acts or the popcorn!!! Man that kid can put the popcorn away. Just like his big brother.

Kelli and Timothy went with us. Jason and Ashton couldn't make it because Ashton had his first Select Baseball practice during the same time. We all had a really good time, except one fun-killing moment...during intermission Bud took JD and Timothy to go jump in the moon bounce. Of course, we should have known that it would be a screaming nightmare when it came time to get out. And it was! Luckily, I wasn't on duty for that (I was in the bathroom). Daddy got that job....he was not in a very good mood afterwards, that's all I will say.

From what I could tell, Ryan's favorite part of the circus was the trapeze act -- people swinging and flying through the air right in front of us. JD's favorite part is when they shoot the guy out of the cannon at the end. He waits the entire 3 hours for that part... and it only lasts about .7 seconds. I tried to get a picture, but it didn't turn out.

After the circus and went to eat at the Little Red Barn. It didn't take long for the Blair family to return to our own personal family circus! LOL!

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