
Never a dull moment at the Blair household! Check back often or sign up to get email notices so you can stay up on what's happening in this crazy little life!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Well, we decided this week that we were gonna try to go on at least one formal family outing per month. I mean, we do stuff with the kids all the time, but not necessarily "kid stuff." I've always suggested doing this kind of stuff anyway, but Bud never really wanted to because it didn't sound like fun to him. But he finally decided that it's important for us to do this kind of thing - for the kids, and for the family. Yay!!!

So here we are at our first "Monthly Family Outing" -- we went to the Children's Museum and we really had a great time. Here are some pictures of what we did while we were there.

JD and Ryan were pilots in the airplane. After he was the pilot, JD said, "OK Mom, you drive the plane and I'll be a sitter" and he sat in the airplane as a passenger. A "sitter"....so cute!

Here's Ryan in the town's General Store -- JD worked the register and Ryan stocked the shelves. Isn't the mini apron so adorable???

Here's JD milking the cow while Ryan watches. Did you know that it takes 12 pounds of milk to make 1 gallon of ice cream!?

Here's JD shopping in the HEB exhibit. It was so cute. All the kids knew exactly what to do in the store, pushing their carts around and picking groceries off the shelves. They even paid at the little registers and helped put their groceries back after they were done. That was our favorite exhibit.

Here's JD in his favorite exhibit - the powerball room. He was a green ball hog....it's his favorite color.