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Monday, June 10, 2013

Last Day of School

JD's last day of school was June 6th. I went to his Awards Ceremony in the morning then took him home for the day. I had to work a 1/2 day so they played with Caleb next door while I worked for a few hours, then we went in town for haircuts and a few other quick errands.

They woke up to a special donut breakfast and a small gift - they both got watches. JD can now tell time on a watch with hands and he really wanted a watch, and Ryan is learning to tell time on a digital clock. So we got them new watches as a last day of school gift.

I'm so proud of JD's 1st grade year. He was awesome!!! When they called his name at the end of the year awards ceremony, here's what preceeded it: "A-Honor Roll for the 4th 9 Weeks, Perfect Attendance for the 4th 9 Weeks, A-Honor Roll All Year, Outstanding Attendance All Year, Computer Award and 2nd Place AR Winner.......JD Blair!" He got almost every award he could get. And his necklace was adorned with 20 "Caught Being Good" charms, which he accumulated throughout the year by doing good things.

**By the way - AR stands for Accelerated Reader. After they read a book, they take a comprehension test on the computer and they accumulate points based on the # of books they read, the book's level of difficulty, and his comprehension level. This is the 2nd year he's received an AR Award. He's also gotten to attend the Principal's Reception in the Spring and Fall in Kinder and 1st Grade for AR Testing. I could go on and on about him. We are just so proud.

Here's a picture of him and Dusty. Dusty got 1st place in AR Testing, and they're best buddies in class. There's nothing like having a good friend to push you to be your best. Thanks Dusty!

Ryan's last day of preschool was Thursday, May 23rd. That was his last day because he had surgery the next day and since he needed about 3 weeks to recover and JD would be out of school by then, we just made the 23rd his last day. (More about his surgery in a separate post.)

Ryan has learned so much this year by going to Mrs. Brown's Preschool. He learned to write his name really well, he's learned to recognize and write his letters, he knows some basic addition, and he's learned so many great manners. I'm very proud of him and while I used to be nervous about him starting Kinder at such a young age (just barely 5 years old when he starts), I'm not anymore. I think he's definitely ready! Kingergarten --- here he comes!!!

I know his card says he wants to be a basketball player when he grows up. That's what he said that morning when I asked him (after he said he wanted to be a baseball player and a scuba diver), but any other time I've asked him as of lately, he has said "PHLEBOTEMIST." I guess it has to do with how many times he had blood drawn before his surgery.

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