
Never a dull moment at the Blair household! Check back often or sign up to get email notices so you can stay up on what's happening in this crazy little life!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Kids Say the Darndest Things #2

About a week ago, I bought a Barbie toy for the little girl on our church's Angel Tree. I had it sitting in the gift bag in the kitchen and Ryan grabbed it, brought it to me, and asked me to open the Barbie so he could play with it. After lots of fighting and tears, I finally got the box away from him and explained that it was for a little girl who isn't getting much for Christmas, and proceeded to hide the toy -- out of sight, out of mind. Then, in true fatherly fashion, Bud went on to explain to him that little boys don't play with Barbies. They are for girls only. And that was the end of that.

I thought Ryan had forgotten about it until yesterday. Out of the blue, he asked me about it. Here was our conversation:

Ryan: "Mom, do they have Barbies for boys?"
Me: "No."
Ryan: "Why not?"
Me: "Because they don't make Barbies for boys, only girls. Why? Do you want one?"
Ryan: "Yes."
Me: "Why do you want a Barbie?"
Ryan: "Because they're bootiful!"

Well, ok. Now it's not so bad. At least he wants them because he thinks they're beautiful, and not because he wants to brush their hair and try cute high heels on them. Whew!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cold and Rain - Perfect for Deer Hunts & Graduation??

I didn't think I'd be saying this while Ryan is only 3 years old, but I am. He went on his first deer hunt today with JD and Daddy. It was rainy and cold and Bud didn't think they'd see anything, but they did and he actually shot 2 deer - a doe and a small buck. The doe ran after she got shot, but didn't go far. The boys went out and had their first experience tracking a deer - they were so excited when they found her.

Then they each held a leg while Bud gutted the deer. They held up really well watching all that (I don't think I could have done that).

While they were busy deer hunting, I went to Kelli's graduation. After many years of dedication and perseverence, she graduated from the University of Incarnate Word. She got a B.S. in Business Administration. We have all been looking forward to this day for a long time and it will definitely be a day to remember. One that we'll look back at and laugh one of these days.

UIW holds their graduation ceremonies on their football field. Uncovered football field. Rain or Shine. And rain it did. All day long. It was about 45 degrees and it rained the entire time. We thought for sure that they'd speed up the ceremony, cut all the pre-presentations and speeches short, but they didn't. I couldn't believe it, but I was also surprised when the crowd started booing. It's amazing how quickly adults turn into children when they're put into a situation like that. There was complaining and whining and booing when it didn't go our way. It was actually kinda comical.

But all that aside, we were so proud of Kelli! 12 of us sat through the rain and cold just to watch the 5 second moment when she walked across the stage to receive her diploma. I couldn't help but cry a little bit. I know how much dedication it takes to finish school while working full time and raising children. It's something that many people just give up on, but Kelli didn't. She pushed through even when she didn't want to, and finally got to this day! And the coolest thing? She never has to go back to school again.

Yay Kelli! Class of 2011!!!
Update 12/14/11 --- The UIW made an official apology to the graduates for not having a back-up plan and ruining this special day for so many people who've worked hard for it. They refunded $60 of the $100 graduation fee and plan to hold a reception for the graduates in January. Kelli's response: "I'm not going to that - I've already graduated and don't need another party."  She's in good spirits about it. While it was a wet, cold day, it was very memorable! 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Adventures of Zerg

The boys look forward to finding Zerg each morning when they wake up. Except that they've taken to calling him "that crazy elf" instead of Zerg.

Here are some of his recent adventures:

In the candy bowl.

Hanging out in our new Christmas tree.

Taking target practice.

Unrolling the toilet paper.