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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My Christian Hike

We've always heard about the Christian Walk - you know, going through life striving to be more Christ-like in everything we do. I've heard that phrase a thousand times. I've said it a thousand times. But the other day, while I was on the phone with my favorite aunt, Aunt Kathy, we were talking about the Christian life and how deciding to follow Jesus and walking the Christian "Walk" doesn't mean life will be easy. Sometimes we don't understand why we have to go through the things we do, but we just trust in the Lord, and through those difficult situations, we grow stronger.

That's what got me thinking. Why do we call it a "Walk?" When I think of taking a walk, I think of a serene beach with soft white sand, a cool breeze blowing through your hair, and the calming sound of waves crashing into the shore. It's easy. Something you do after a nice dinner, or after a hard day to de-stress….sometimes you even take those walks alone.

But with God, we don't walk alone.

So I think of the Christian Walk as more of a Christian Hike.

Don't get me wrong. Hikes are good too; they're just different. A little more challenging, more eventful, and definitely something you shouldn't do alone.

For a successful hike, you must be prepared. Your backpack must be filled with all the things you might need (pocket knife, compass, extra pair of socks, matches….you get the idea) for the predictable, and the unpredictable. As you take your hike, you can expect some uphill challenges, obstacles you have to climb over or walk around. You might even encounter a "snake," bear, or other pest that you knew to expect but were really hoping to avoid altogether.

Just as there are tests and trials along the way, there will also be the welcomed plateaus and downhill stretches that offer your legs some much-needed rest. You might even come to a small creek that provides great refreshment and a place to rest and regain some energy.

But most importantly…for a successful hike, you shouldn't do it alone. In fact, you should take along a hiking partner with more experience than you - someone who is prepared in tough situations. Someone who is well equipped to provide strength when you're weak, encouragement when you're weary, and rescue when you're in trouble. And of course, someone who you can trust wholeheartedly. Someone who is a friend.

God is the perfect partner in this daily Christian Hike.

So as I continue on my hike, I will expect the challenging obstacles, look forward to the restful plateaus and fresh-flowing creeks, and keep my focus on the end goal. All this while clinging tightly to my trusted hiking partner.

James 1:2-4 "…when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect & complete, lacking nothing."

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

3 Days Until Our Vacation

We are very excited about our upcoming mini vacation. We're going to South Padre Island. What do you think about when you hear South Padre Island?

The beach? Sandcastles? Seagulls?

Not my kids. When they hear those three words, they think SCHLITTERBAHN.

That's what they care about. To JD & Ryan, if we're going on vacation, it needs to include a water park, and preferably, Schlitterbahn.

So we leave in three days to head South for a long, much-needed, four-day weekend at the Schlitterbahn Resort, with weekend passes to the beloved water park.

We are excited! So excited that Ryan made this vacation count down calendar. Every morning, he pastes up another number to show how many days remain. We started with 24 days (on the other side) and now we're down to only three.

It's hanging right there in the center of our refrigerator door for everyone to see.

But let's be honest - after the last couple months we've had, and certainly the last couple of weeks, I think I'm more excited than the kids are to see that number get smaller each morning.

3 - 2 - 1
South Padre…..here we come!