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Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July Festivites Continue

Our 4th of July was busy. After the parade in the morning, we hung out in the Square and had some popsicles, hot dogs and drinks, and checked out the monster truck. I don't know who is more impressed with it -- the little boys or the big boys. 

Then we went back home and the boys played in the pool for a little while. That evening, we went to Beau & Stacie's for a BBQ. Joe and Rosanne, and Trina & Kory came over too -- all with little ones in tow.

  I just love how sweet JD and Ryan are with their baby cousin, Case.

 We went outside and popped some fireworks too. Well, the girls watched (and held babies) while the men lit them and the boys cheered and ran around like crazy people. Most of the boys. Brooks screamed most of the time. The loud Black Cats scared him to death and he never recovered. He was afraid of all the fireworks after that.

Case and Audriana at their first ever fireworks show!

JD & Ryan experienced fireworks up close and personal for the first time.
They also got to enjoy their first sparklers.

Happy 4th of July everyone.....from The Blairs!

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