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Friday, April 6, 2012

Who Loves Pinterest?

Me! I do! I love www.Pinterest.com. It is the most addicting site. You can find so many great ideas for spring cleaning, baby showers, home decor, recipes, etc etc. It's essentially just a digital bulletin board where you can pin the things you like.

Well, I just have to share one of the funniest pictures I saw on Pinterest. Everytime I look at it, it makes me laugh out loud.

It reminds me of when Kelli and I were little. I used to tell her that we found her on the side of the road and felt sorry for her, so we brought her home. She used to get so upset and run to my mom and dad and ask them. The funny thing is that they played along with me. Awww. . . .poor Kelli.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Awana Grand Prix Year 2 - Meet the Design Team

After our first Awana Grand Prix last year, when almost all 4 of us got last place in speed, this year IT WAS ON! Bud focused on getting our cars as fast as possible and I focused on design. Of course.
Jared Minor cut out our designs, then we all had fun painting our cars together. 
JD's car theme was Iron Man. He designed it and painted it all by himself. No help at all from Mom & Dad. I think it turned out great. I'm so proud of his creative mind and confidence.

Ryan is still a little too young, so I painted his Thomas the Train car (which turned out really cute if I do say so myself). But since Ryan likes to paint too, I gave him a board to paint. So he painted us a sign. He had so much fun doing it too. Every week or two since then, he likes to get that board out and repaint it.

Bud painted his car. Nothing fancy. Just plain black. He tried some purple racing stripes but didn't like them, so he stuck with just plain black. He didn't care about design so much -- he just wanted to win the race.

Here's part of the mess we made. We really had so much fun doing this project as a family.

Here are the finished cars. Left to right: Bud's black race car, my blinged out pink and brown zebra print "K," JD's red and gold Iron Man, and Ryan's Thomas the Train.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Scrapbooking Day at FBCC

I was approached by my pastor last Summer about starting a Scrapbook Ministry at our church. After much pondering and praying, I finally decided to do it. So on February 17th, I had my first scrapbook day at church. I know how much I love scrapbooking, and I usually get a few chuckles when I say that's my hobby (by those who don't scrapbook), but I felt like I could really do something great with it and bring glory to God at the same time.
So Kelli and I took Friday off work, went shopping, bought an album and some supplies, packed up most of our materials in our scrapbook rooms, and loaded up our cars. On Saturday morning, we took everything up to the church, in addition to the pictures I had from various church activities. We set up our materials and some tables, and got started with scrapbooking. The event was all day, 9am-5pm. We had several women show up, stay for a while, and leave. And by the end of the day, we had scrapbooked all of the pictures I'd brought and put them into our new FBCC scrapbook album.

I had my second scrapbook day on March 17th. It wasn't quite as successful though - I only had 1 person show up, but it was the end of Spring Break. So I'm chalking that up to bad timing.

Hopefully the next one will be better. I'm starting off kinda slow, but I have lots of ideas for this ministry. First of all, I just want to give women an opportunity to get together with other women and fellowship. I'd also like to create a scrapbook for the church that can be left out in the lobby for others, such as visitors, to view and get an idea of the various ministries our church has and what kinds of things we're doing. I also think it would be great if we made cards that could be used by members of the church. Sympathy cards, welcome cards, thinking of you cards, words of encouragement, etc.

We're off to a slow start, but that's ok. I'm going to keep praying about it and if I'm supposed to continue doing it, I will.  Here are a few pictures from my first event.

 My good friend Erica brought a bunch of really cute projects that people were
invited to make and take with them.

 Jennifer Hinson is getting a little lesson from Kelli on how to use the Cricut.

Julie DeLucia, Pat Calloway and I are enjoying a little crafty time.

Kelli, Lillian and Emmaline Minor, and Jennifer are hard at work.