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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baby Shower

On Sunday, Sept 13th, I threw a baby shower for my sister-in-law, Stacie. She is due October 18th and we're not sure if she's having a boy or girl...so exciting! I think it's a boy....today. I keep going back and forth. They'll probably end up having a really easy-going, laid back little girl. Haha. Then they'll really think that our kids are crazy.

Anyway, the baby shower turned out very nice. I did it at Apple Annie's Tea Room - it was perfect for a baby shower. About 20 or so of her friends came and she got lots of nice stuff from everyone. We played a fun question game where the guests had to try to figure out the answers that Beau and Stacie gave to several different questions. I asked them the questions a couple weeks ahead of time - they didn't know how the other person had answered either, so it was a lot of fun revealing those answers...especially revealing Beau's answers to Stacie.

On a last-minute whim, I decided to play the toilet paper game where you have to guess how much toilet paper it would take to go around Stacie's belly. Since I hadn't planned to play that game, I didn't have toilet paper. Kelli and Amber are such good sports -- they went to the bathroom and swiped a couple of rolls. (It's great having little sisters! Haha!) Stacie's friend Aly got the closest - she was off by about 1 inch!

Then we played Baby Bingo. I printed bingo cards and as Stacie opened her gifts, the guests would cross off the items she received. We played that game until we ran out of prizes. Everyone really enjoyed that game and even continued to play after the prizes were gone. It was great too, because everyone really paid close attention to what gifts Stacie was opening.

I also hand made this book and titled it "A Mother's Advice." I wrote a poem and put it on the inside cover, then passed it around as guests were arriving and had them write a small note of advice for the mother-to-be. I really like how it turned out. I hope she liked it too. She didn't have time to look at it closely during the shower, so I hope she took some time to look through it after she got home.

Anyway....the baby shower was a success!

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